Supporting sportsplex and one voter’s reasons Editor, I am writing to express my support, and encourage others, in voting yes to question A for the proposed sports complex in Worcester County. A n...
Urging voters look at sportsplex deal Editor, We have all heard the expression, “the devil is in the details.” Now and until Nov. 8, Worcester County residents are going to be asked a ballot quest...
Sports complex vote yays and nays Editor, Worcester County voters who have requested mail-in ballots may start to receive them any day. I encourage all those voting by mail, as well as those voting in...
William F. McBride Jr. Berlin William (Bill) F. McBride Jr. of Berlin, Maryland, passed away on Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2022, at the age of 72. He was the loving husband of Lisa (Stanwick) McBride. They cele...
By Paul Suplee, MBA, CEC, PC-3 I know I said I was done with teaching, but the university made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. And just like my last job, fall semester means that I get to teach our w...
Cartoon by Jim Adcock
The post Gazette Cartoon appeared first on Berlin, Ocean Pines News Worcester County Bayside Gazette.
The members of Ocean Pines Association’s Election Committee didn’t have to resign last week, and as far as is publicly known, no one expected them to after the board of directors and some of the...
OCEAN CITY – The discussion about allowing certain electric bikes, or e-bikes, on the Boardwalk under certain conditions came full circle this week with resort officials agreeing on a set of re...
OCEAN CITY – Citing the need for a policy, members of a resort commission this week reviewed proposed regulations for using mobility devices at the beach, Boardwalk and city parks.On Wednesday, ...
BERLIN– Successful candidates in Berlin’s municipal election began their tenure this week after being sworn in by Mayor Zack Tyndall.On Tuesday, new Councilman Steve Green and returning C...