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Click Here!BERLIN—The Berlin Parks Commission needs an experienced muralist to help repaint the Stephen Decatur Park mural.
The Parks Commission has opened a contest for students grades 9-12 to gather original images to be incorporated in the new mural.
The muralist will assist the judging committee in selecting images, assess the wall where the mural will be painted, create a final design using the winning images, provide estimates on materials needed and provide any other information related to the project. The muralist will also get the wall ready to be painted with the final design.
Once the mural design is complete, volunteers, including students, will help paint the mural, hopefully in spring 2014.
Those interested should submit a proposal, including listings of locations and photos of existing work. The deadline for the muralists’ proposals will be 5 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 30.
For information, call Mary Bohlen at 410-641-4314 or mbohlen@berlinmd.gov or visit www.berlinmd.gov/parks.Receive priority email notifications of last minute deals, packages, events and limited time offers.