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Click Here!BERLIN -- Tony Carson, town administrator for Berlin, sat in on his last Mayor and Council meeting this week, triggering an outpouring of praise from the council.
“We were extremely fortunate with the years that you’ve been here,” Mayor Gee Williams said Monday. “You are leaving the town in a much better position to take advantage of the potential for its future than when you first got here and I thank you very much for your dedication and for your professionalism and for your efficiency.”
Carson has been with Berlin for four years and is leaving to take a similar administrator position in Painesville, Ohio beginning next month.
“I just want to echo, publically, the mayor’s sentiment related to Tony Carson’s performance here in Berlin,” said Councilman Dean Burrell. “I’ve seen people come and go and Tony, I’m actually sorry to see you go. Your leadership and vision for the town has been right on and I don’t say this about many people, but it has been a pleasure working with you. I find you to be an upstanding and forthright young man and I wish you very much success in your new position.”
The compliment was one that Carson said he held in high regard, as was Burrell’s opinion. He said, “One of the nicest things Dean told me once was that, ‘you’re a good guy.’”
Councilman Elroy Brittingham described Carson as “personable” while Councilman Troy Purnell called him a “breath of fresh air.”
“He’s brought this town a long way and I’m glad that we’ve had him while we have,” said Brittingham.
Caron’s tenure in Berlin, which saw the formation of a new stormwater utility and the negotiation of a new purchase power agreement for electricity, did feature some disagreements, according to Councilwoman Paula Lynch. But even when Caron’s vision for Berlin conflicted in some way with her own, Lynch complimented the town administrator’s professional courtesy and willingness to talk out problems.
“We haven’t always agreed but when we’ve disagreed it has always been very pleasant,” she told Carson.
Williams announced that Carson will be given a brief send-off Friday, June 28 at noon in Town Hall and that the public and “the greater family of Berlin” are welcome to stop by.
Carson’s replacement, Laura Allen, will not start with the town until after Labor Day. In the interim, Deputy Town Administrator Mary Bohlen will fill the position.
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