Things are happening in Ocean Pines and, as is the case with everything else these days, no one can know with whether these things are fixes or follies until they play out over the next several months, maybe longer.
On the surface, the proposals tendered by interim General Manager Brett Hill make sense financially. Reconfiguring and renovating available space to meet current needs would seem to be the thing to do for a citizenry that’s perennially concerned about assessments.
Changing the administration building around to give more space to the police department, for instance, appears to be the logical thing to do. After all, if space isn’t being used to its fullest advantage, the smart thing to do is to use what’s available, if it’s sufficient, before undertaking a much pricier project.
As for other aspects of Hill’s renovation proposal, they are based on the assumption that an overhaul is all that is required, and that won’t be apparent immediately.
There’s a good argument to be made, however, that if golf is not quite the dominating force it once was, then more or less rebuilding the country club so it can be used for other purposes as well would be better than the more expensive option of building a new one for a specific clientele. It’s all about maximizing use at this point and getting a better return on the community’s investment.
What counts more than anything else, however, is what a majority of residents, not this group or that group, really want. Fortunately, there are ways to assess that, especially given the resurgence of the executive council.
The heads of Ocean Pines’ various committees should be more aware than most of what people are saying and council representatives can certainly deliver that information to the board of directors.
Saving money is always a priority, but so too is giving residents what they want and are willing to pay for.