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Click Here!OCEAN CITY -- The 19th Annual Jesus at the Beach Music and Ministry Festival will be on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, July 29-31.
The festival will begin each day at 10 a.m. until approximately 1 p.m. at the Ocean City Convention Center with praise, worship, dance, drama, testimony, preaching, prayer, and Holy Spirit ministry. The afternoons are free to enjoy fellowship with one another.
Each night from 7-10 p.m. on the beach at North Division Street, organizers will invite the Lord to minister through praise music, dance, drama, testimony and one-on-one sharing. A baptism service is planned for Wednesday, following the meeting, at approximately 1 p.m. or so, in the ocean near the Convention Center.
You can drop people off downtown at North Division Street (the same street as the Route 50 bridge) for the evening ministry, and then park at the Convention Center (located on 40th Street and Coastal Highway). Also you can park for free at the Park and Ride in West Ocean City and ride the city bus for $2. If you park at the convention center in the evening, put a Jesus at the Beach flyer on your dashboard to identify you are attending the ministry.
If definite rain is known in advance, the evening ministry will relocate to the convention Center.Receive priority email notifications of last minute deals, packages, events and limited time offers.