(Oct. 6, 2016) Looking for ways to improve the ailing information technology systems in Ocean Pines, association board member Doug Parks is looking to launch a new technology work group.
According to a post on the Ocean Pines website, the new group “will be tasked with undertaking a thorough uation of the use of IT solutions to support OPA’s business and operational requirements.”
Parks has had a 30-plus year career in information technology and continues to work in the field.
“I think that puts me in a very good position to take a look at the overview of exactly what Ocean Pines needs, its current state and its potential, future state,” he said.
While Parks said IT systems in Ocean Pines were “functional,” there are also plenty of obvious limitations.
“There are situations where systems aren’t integrated with one another, and in order to get accurate information you’ve got to go to multiple places,” he said. “It’s very systematic and traditional of how an organization ends up with what we call ‘islands of automation.’ Ocean Pines isn’t the first organization that’s fallen under that architectural inefficiency.
“The notion floated to me was we’ve got money, there’s an IT position there [in the budget]. Before we fill the IT position why don’t we take a look at the environment, see where we are, see where we think we need to be, and that will be determined by the folks on the OPA staff,” Parks added.
Parks said analysis would focus on business requirements rather than technological improvements. Once business needs are defined, the right technology could be matched to the suit problem areas, he said.
Recently, Parks and Recreation Director Sonya Bounds requested about $65,000 for a major software upgrade. The current software used, RecWare, is no longer supported, and old records, including membership information, has been difficult to access and has led to a decline in sales.
“That’s clearly just one of what I anticipate will be many problem areas,” Parks said. “Can I say I know all of them? No, but the first phase of the analysis is called the discovery phase.
“Nobody is taking that enterprise-wide look and asking how does Sonya’s needs interact with the ability of the finance folks to understand the financial transactions that are happening at rec and parks. Discovery is going to be a very important aspect of understanding, that’s why you have to go to the subject matter experts – in this case Sonya, or a [Facilities Manager] Jerry Aveta. All the folks that are heads of departments will have that institutional knowledge that we have to grab onto and understand,” he added.
Another byproduct of improving systems communitywide would be an increase in transparency, Parks said. While he said that would not be the most important factor – the driving influence would be to improve the business bottom line – improvements should ultimately lead to more accurate information being made available throughout the operation.
“The GM, whoever that ends up being, will have a much better view of the overall operation, and that’s one of the key components,” he said. “A lot this will be born out after the discovery phase.”
Parks said estimated costs to upgrade systems in Ocean Pines were a long way off and would largely depend on economy of scale.
He is looking for “well-qualified volunteers” to join the work group. Members should have “a relevant background and hands-on experience in information technology” as a requirement.
“While I absolutely believe in the spirit of volunteerism, and in a volunteer organization you never turn down a volunteer, in this case I have to be very selective – I have to have people that have an information technology background, especially as it relates to business, and not a pure computer science background so we can look at different aspects of what it takes to support the business of Ocean Pines,” he said.
For more information, email Parks at dparks@oceanpines.org and include a professional biography.
Parks said he has “about five people right now” in mind for the work group. He hopes to add a few more members and hold a “kickoff meeting” later this month.
Another board member, Cheryl Jacobs, also asked to be a part of the process.
“I want to participate to utilize my 23 years of experience in the tech market, gained before I went to law school and, in particular, use my interviewing skills to help identify the needs of users,” Jacobs said.