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Click Here!BERLIN – The current flu epidemic threatens seniors and disabled adults throughout Delmarva, as weaker immune systems make them more vulnerable to the flu. Ninety percent of all flu-related deaths and more than half of flu-related hospitalizations occur in people age 65 or older.
Visiting Angels, the nation’s leading in-home senior care company, is helping families battle back with compassionate caregivers who understand how to help prevent the flu, or care for those affected.
“This flu can be deadly for seniors because they can develop pneumonia and other respiratory illnesses, so families have to be especially vigilant with their elderly loved ones,” said Tyler Betz, owner of Visiting Angels of Berlin-Eastern Shore. “We’ve developed basic flu kits to help seniors protect themselves from the flu. Our caregivers run errands so seniors don’t go out and get exposed to the virus especially in high exposure areas such as the grocery store or the mall. Plus, we help sanitize their homes to keep them as germ-free as possible. Our kits and caregivers are especially helpful for people who don’t live near their elderly loved ones and want someone to protect their loved ones or watch over them if they get sick and need help recovering.”
The “Fight The Flu Kits” include paper towels, encouraging seniors to utilize them in the bathroom instead of hand towels that can harbor germs; Vitamin C or small boxes of real orange juice, which helps build seniors’ weaker immune systems; pocket-size hand sanitizer, with aloe, helping keep seniors’ skin germ-free without drying out sensitive skin; pens because seniors should always have their own pen handy as pens shared in public areas germs; Lysol spray for doorknobs, handles, light switches and other highly touched surfaces; hand soap, recent studies show plain soap and water works just as well as antibacterial soaps; and hand sanitizer wipes to clean hands or public surfaces.
“Often seniors don’t think of themselves as elderly, ignore health warnings and resent loved ones ‘telling them what to do’,” said Betz. “Our caregivers can help nudge a senior to get protection from the flu and to get the help they need if they get the virus.”
During the flu season, or anytime of the year, from a few hours a week to 24-hour-a-day care, Visiting Angels’ compassionate caregivers can help, offering assistance with personal hygiene, meal preparation, light housekeeping, shopping, errands and appointments, and joyful companionship.
Call 443-513-4149 or visit: www.visitingangels/BerlinEasternShoreReceive priority email notifications of last minute deals, packages, events and limited time offers.