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Goodie Bag
Published On: 6/5/13

Things To Do Around Town

By: The Dispatch Staff via Maryland Coast Dispatch
Every Sunday: Morning Worship

7:30 a.m., Boardwalk Worship, 4th St. & the Boardwalk (on the porch at Shenanigans Irish Pub). 8:30 a.m., contemporary; 10 a.m., traditional, Atlantic United Methodist Church, 105 4th St., O.C. For more information, 410-289-7430.

Every Sunday: Morning Worship

8 a.m. & 11 a.m., Traditional Worship; 9:30 a.m., Contemporary Worship; St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, E.L.C.A, 10301 Coastal Hwy., O.C. For more info, 410-524-7474.

Open Monday-Saturday: Atlantic United
Methodist Church Thrift Shop
9 a.m.-1 p.m., AUMC, 105, 4th Street, O.C. For more information, 410-289-4458.

Every Tuesday Now-Sept. 25:
OP Plant Clinic

1-4 p.m., Ocean Pines Library lobby. Bring bagged samples by and let Master Garden-ers find solutions to your plant and bug problems.

Every Wednesday: TOPS Meeting

3:30-4:30 p.m., Ocean City Library. Take Off Pounds Sensibly is a support group promoting weight loss and healthy lifestyles. For more information, 302-436-3682.

Open Wednesday-Saturday:
Shepherd’s Nook Thrift Shop

9 a.m.-1 p.m., Community Church at Ocean Pines, Rte. 589 & Racetrack Rd., Berlin. Accepting donations of gently worn clothes and small household items.

Open Wednesday-Friday: Stevenson
United Methodist Thrift Shop

5 Stevenson Lane, Berlin, across from the Laundromat. Wednesday and Thursday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; Sale days every Friday, 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m.

June 7-August: Friends Of OC Library
Books By The Bag Sale

Sale conducted during regular library hours at the Ocean City Library, 10003 Coastal Hwy., O.C. Bag of gently used books for $4. Sale continues through August.

June 7: KC Bingo

5 p.m., doors open; 6:30 p.m., games begin; rear of St. Luke’s Church, 9901 Coastal Hwy., O.C. Refreshments on sale. For more info, 410-524-7994.

June 8: Indoor/Outdoor Yard Sale

7 a.m.-2 p.m., The Northern Worcester County Senior Center, 10129 Old Ocean Blvd., Berlin. Table rentals $10 and $15. To reserve a table, 410-641-0515. Hot dogs and baked goods will be available.

June 8: OP Anglers Club Meeting

9:30 a.m., Ocean Pines Library. Featured speaker will be Elizabeth Silleck who leads outreach for Pew Charitable Trusts Mid-Atlantic Forage Fish conservation work speaking on behalf of the Herring Alliance on the Alliance’s efforts to address river herring and shad bycatch in the ocean caused by industrial fishing. All welcome.

June 8: Laura Widgeon Memorial
Horseshoe Tournament

10 a.m., registration; games begin 11 a.m.; Ameican Legion Post 123, 10111 Old Ocean City Blvd., Berlin. Sponsored by the Auxiliary. All players must be 18 to participate and present at registration. Cost: $10, per person. Prizes for first and second place winners. For more info, 410-641-3760.

June 8: Black Knights
Goat Roast, Chicken & Fish Fry

11 .m.-6 p.m., Sturgis Park, Snow Hill. Entertainment by DJ Static Grump. Bouncer for the kids and soft drinks for sale.

June 9: Friends & Family Day
At St. John’s United Methodist

3 p.m., St. John’s United Methodist Church, 8829 Lewis Rd., Berlin. Dinner will be served at 2 p.m. Sponsored by the St. John’s United Methodist Women. Rev. Gary Miller of Atlan-tic, Va. will be the guest preacher.

June 9: OC Ravens Roost #44
Wine Tasting Fundraiser

3-5 p.m., Costa Ventosa Vineyard & Winery, Whaleyville. A portion of proceeds will go to the RR44 Penguin Swim Team in support of Atlantic General Hospital. Cost: $15, person includes taste of 9 different wines, souvenir wine glass, light snacks and hors d’oeuvres. For more info or tickets, 443-618-9972 or 443-669-4129.

June 10: Friends Of OP Library Meeting

10 a.m., Ocean Pines Library. Refreshments available at 9:30 a.m. Featured speaker will be Susan Parker, the opinion page editor of the Daily Times and other Gannett newspapers in the area discussing publication guidelines, facilitating a productive community dialogue and getting submissions published. For more information, 410-208-4014.

June 12: Bingo

5:30, doors open; 6:30, early bird games; 7 p.m., regular games; Ocean City Elks Lodge #2645, 138th St., across from the Fenwick Inn. $1,000 jackpot available, food, snacks and non-alcoholic beverages. No one under 18 allowed in bingo hall during bingo.

June 12: Delmarva Hand Dancing

5:30-9 p.m., Peaky’s (formerly Jordan’s Rooftop), at the Fenwick Inn, 138th St., O.C. Jitterbug, swing, cha-cha to the sounds of the 50’s & 60’s. Beginner and intermediate dance lessons 5:30-6:30 p.m. Fol-lowed by dancing until 9 p.m. For more information, 302-200-3262.

June 13: Legion Bingo

Doors open 5:30 p.m., games begin 7 p.m.; American Legion Post 166, 24th St. & Philadelphia Ave., O.C. Food and drink available. For more information, 410-289-3166.  

June 13: OP Garden Club
Garden Tour

9 a.m.-noon. Tour of eight local gardens. Luncheon served following the tour at 12:30 p.m. at the Ocean Pines Yacht Club. Multiple lunch choices, assorted cake slices, coffee, tea or non-alcoholic beverage. Cost: $22, lunch and tour; $10, for tour only. For more information or reservations, 410-208-3032.

June 13: AARP Chapter #1917
General Meeting

9:30 a.m., Knights of Columbus Hall, 99th St., O.C. Guest speaker will be Michael Franklin, president of Atlantic General Hospital. Travel opportunities will be presented as well. All persons age 50 and over are welcome. Meetings will resume Sept. 12. Visit aarp1917.org or call 410-352-5748 for more information.

June 14: KC Bingo

5 p.m., doors open; 6:30 p.m., games begin; rear of St. Luke’s Church, 9901 Coastal Hwy., O.C. Refreshments on sale. For more info, 410-524-7994.

June 15: Church Luncheon

11 a.m.-2 p.m., Bowen United Methodist Church, Newark. Hamburgers, hot dogs, homemade ice cream with vanilla, chocolate, pineapple and strawberry flavors and a dessert table.

June 17-21: Vacation Bible School

5-7:15 p.m., Holy Trinity Cathedral, 11021 Worcester Hwy., (MD 575 & 90) Berlin. Light meal and t-shirt provided. SonWest Round-up vacation bible school is open to ages 4-12. Cost: $10, per child; $25, family. To register or for more information, 410-641-4882.

June 18: WCCW Meeting

5-6:30 p.m., Ocean Pines Library. Spon-sored by the Worcester County Commission for Women. The purpose of the WCCW is to promote social, education and economic equality for women in Worcester Co. Open to the public and women of all ages are invited. Volunteers are sought for short-term assignments such as grant writing and even planning. For more information, 410-632-5040.

June 20: Bingo

5:30, doors open; 6:30, early bird games; 7 p.m., regular games; Ocean City Elks Lodge #2645, 138th St., across from the Fenwick Inn. $1,000 jackpot available, food, snacks and non-alcoholic beverages. No one under 18 allowed in bingo hall during bingo.

June 20: Delmarva Hand Dancing

5:30-9 p.m., Peaky’s (formerly Jordan’s Rooftop), at the Fenwick Inn, 138th St., O.C. Jitterbug, swing, cha-cha to the sounds of the 50’s & 60’s. Beginner and intermediate dance lessons 5:30-6:30 p.m. Followed by dancing until 9 p.m. For more information, 302-200-3262.

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Best Western OC Hotel & Suites
From $69.49 per night
Sea Bay Hotel
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Fenwick Inn
From $69.00 per night
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