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Goodie Bag
Published On: 7/17/13

Things To Do Around Town

By: The Dispatch Staff via Maryland Coast Dispatch
Every Saturday: Farmers’ Market
8 a.m.-noon, White Horse Park, Ocean Pines.

Every Sunday: Morning Worship

7:30 a.m., Boardwalk Worship, 4th St. & the Boardwalk (on the porch at Shenanigans Irish Pub). 8:30 a.m., contemporary; 10 a.m., traditional, Atlantic United Methodist Church, 105 4th St., O.C. For more information, 410-289-7430.

Every Sunday: Morning Worship

8 a.m. & 11 a.m., Traditional Wor-ship; 9:30 a.m., Contemporary Wor-ship; St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, E.L.C.A, 10301 Coastal Hwy., O.C. For more information, 410-524-7474.

Open Monday-Saturday:
Atlantic United Methodist Church
Thrift Shop
9 a.m.-1 p.m., AUMC, 105, 4th Street, O.C. For more information, 410-289-4458.

Every Tuesday Now-Sept. 25:
OP Plant Clinic

1-4 p.m., Ocean Pines Library lobby. Bring bagged samples by and let Master Gardeners find solutions to your plant and bug problems.

Every Wednesday: TOPS Meeting

3:30-4:30 p.m., Ocean City Library. Take Off Pounds Sensibly is a support group promoting weight loss and healthy lifestyles. For more information, 302-436-3682.

Open Wednesday-Saturday:
Shepherd’s Nook Thrift Shop

9 a.m.-1 p.m., Community Church at Ocean Pines, Rte. 589 & Race-track Rd., Berlin. Accepting donations of gently worn clothes and small household items.

Open Wednesday-Friday:
Stevenson United Methodist
Thrift Shop

5 Stevenson Lane, Berlin, across from the Laundromat. Wednesday and Thursday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; Sale days every Friday, 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m.

Now-August: Friends Of OC
Library Books By The Bag Sale

Sale conducted during regular li-brary hours at the Ocean City Li-brary, 10003 Coastal Hwy., O.C. Bag of gently used books for $4.

July 19: KC Bingo

5 p.m., doors open; 6:30 p.m., games begin; rear of St. Luke’s Church, 9901 Coastal Hwy., O.C. Refreshments on sale. For more information, 410-524-7994.

July 20: OP Anglers Club
17th Annual Art Hansen Memorial
Youth Fishing Contest

Registration 8:30-9:30 a.m., contests from 9-10:30 a.m. at the South Gate Pond Near Sports Core Pool, Ocean Pines. Ages categories will be 4-7, 8-11 & 12-16. Trophy awarded for the biggest fish in each age group. Participants should bring their own fishing rod and gear. Bait will be provided. Children younger than 4 can fish but will not be eligible for a trophy. All registrants will receive a prize. For more information, 410-208-2855.

July 20: SAL Chicken Barbecue

11 a.m.-until, American Legion Post #123, 10111 Old Ocean City Blvd., Berlin. Half barbecue chicken, two sides and a roll for $7. For more information, 443-944-4799.

July 20: Cardinals At The Beach,
Calvert Hall’s 7th Annual
Beach Gathering

2-5 p.m., with group photo at 3:30 p.m.; Ropewalk: A Fenwick Island Oyster House, 700 Coastal Hwy., Fenwick (5 minute walk from the last OC bus stop. Open to all Calvert Hall Alumni, family and friends. Fire 100 alumni get a free t-shirt courtesy of Ropewalk and complimentary light hors d’oeuvres. No cost to attend and no RSVP needed.

July 20: “Night In Sicily” Dinner

Two seatings, 5 p.m. & 6:30 p.m.; Knights of Columbus, 9901 Coastal Hwy., O.C. (behind St. Luke’s Church). Menu includes Chicken Sicilian, linguine with Sicilian sauce and more. Cost: $12.50, ages 10 and over; $9, under 10. For reservations, 410-524-7994, Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

July 22-26: Vacation Bible School

6:15-8:30 p.m., Buckingham Pres-byterian Church, 20 S. Main St., Berlin. Come learn about God and our neighbors from exciting places while having fun singing songs, making crafts and enjoying games. Daily puppet show. All children ages 3-11 are welcome. Forms available at St. Paul’s Episcopal, Stevenson United Methodist and Bucking-ham Presbyterian or come early on Mon-day. For more information, 410-629-1029.

July 23: KC Crab Night

5-7 p.m., Knights of Columbus, 9901 Coastal Hwy., O.C. Steamed crabs, steamed shrimp, crab soup, pizza and more. Order crabs in advance by calling 410-524-7994, Monday & Tuesday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

July 24: Bingo

5:30, doors open; 6:30, early bird games; 7 p.m., regular games; Ocean City Elks Lodge #2645, 138th St., across from the Fenwick Inn. $1,000 jackpot available, food, snacks and non-alcoholic beverages. No one under 18 allowed in bingo hall during bingo.

July 24: Delmarva Hand Dancing

5:30-9 p.m., Peaky’s (formerly Jor-dan’s Rooftop), at the Fenwick Inn, 138th St., O.C. Jitterbug, swing, cha-cha to the sounds of the 50’s & 60’s. Beginner and intermediate dance lessons 5:30-6:30 p.m. Followed by dancing until 9 p.m. For more information, 302-200-3262.

July 24: OC Boardwalk Labyrinth

7-9 p.m., St. Paul’s by-the-Sea Epis-copal Church, inside Dewees Hall, just of the boardwalk on the northside of 3rd St. Parking available beside the hall. Come walk the 12th century replica labyrinth with candlelight and sacred music. For more information, 410-289-3453 or 443-880-7608.

July 25: Legion Bingo

Doors open 5:30 p.m., games begin 7 p.m.; American Legion Post 166, 24th St. & Philadelphia Ave., O.C. Food and drink available. For more information, 410-289-3166.  

July 26, 27 & 29:
Friends Of OP Library Book Sale

Friday, members only: 6-9 p.m.; Saturday: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. & Monday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Ocean Pines Library. Attendees may join at the door. All proceeds go to support the library and improvements. For more information, 410-208-4269.

July 26: KC Bingo

5 p.m., doors open; 6:30 p.m., games begin; rear of St. Luke’s Church, 9901 Coastal Hwy., O.C. Refreshments on sale. For more information, 410-524-7994.

July 27: MAC Inc. Fun Day
At Jolly Roger

10 a.m.-6 p.m., Jolly Roger Amuse-ment Park. Proceeds benefit Mac Inc., the Area Agency on Aging health and wellness programs. Splash mountain, mini golf, amusement rides from 2-6 p.m.Water basketball and volleyball or adults.  Sun decks with lounge chairs, food and ice cream stands, full bath and locker room facilities. Cost: $25, ticket. Donations welcome. For tickets or more information, 410-742-0505 Ext. 113.

July 28: KC Buffet Breakfast

8:30 a.m.-noon, Knights of Colum-bus #9053, 9901 Coastal Hwy., (rear of St. Luke’s Church) O.C. In-cludes coffee & juice. Cost: $8, adults; ages 12 and under, half-price. For more info, 410-524-7994.

July 29-Aug. 1:
SonRise Vacation Bible School
6-8:45 p.m., SonRise Church, 10959 Worcester Hwy., Berlin. To register, Sonrise.cc.

July 30: KC Crab Night

5-7 p.m., Knights of Columbus, 9901 Coastal Hwy., O.C. Steamed crabs, steamed shrimp, crab soup, pizza and more. Order crabs in advance by calling 410-524-7994, Monday & Tuesday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

July 31: Bingo

5:30, doors open; 6:30, early bird games; 7 p.m., regular games; Ocean City Elks Lodge #2645, 138th St., across from the Fenwick Inn. $1,000 jackpot available, food, snacks and non-alcoholic beverages. No one under 18 allowed in bingo hall during bingo.

July 31: Delmarva Hand Dancing

5:30-9 p.m., Peaky’s (formerly Jor-dan’s Rooftop), at the Fenwick Inn, 138th St., O.C. Jitterbug, swing, cha-cha to the sounds of the 50’s & 60’s. Beginner and intermediate dance lessons 5:30-6:30 p.m. Followed by dancing until 9 p.m. For more information, 302-200-3262.

July 31: OC Boardwalk Labyrinth

7-9 p.m., St. Paul’s by-the-Sea Epis-copal Church, inside Dewees Hall, just of the boardwalk on the northside of 3rd St. Parking available beside the hall. Come walk the 12th century replica labyrinth with candlelight and sacred music. For more information, 410-289-3453 or 443-880-7608.

Aug. 1: Legion Bingo

Doors open 5:30 p.m., games begin 7 p.m.; American Legion Post 166, 24th St. & Philadelphia Ave., O.C. Food and drink available. For more information, 410-289-3166.  

Aug. 2: Temple Bat Yam’s
Second Shabbat Service

7 p.m., arrival time with the service beginning at 7:30 p.m.; Ocean Pines Beach Club, 49th St. & Coastal Hwy., O.C. Service leader will be Rabbi Susan Warshaw and service music led by Cantorial Soloist Cheryl Taustin and Phyllis Alpern. There will be lights, bathrooms, chairs and free parking. There will be an Oneg at the conclusion of the service. A limited amount of flashlights will be provided, but participants are asked to bring their own flashlight. In the event of rain, service will be held at Temple Bat Yam.

Aug. 4: Ravens Roost #58
Annual AYCE Crab Feast

28th Street Pit And Pub. To benefit Ravens Roost #58 charities. All-you-can-eat crabs, shrimp, fried chicken, corn on the cob and draft beer. Cost: $30, person. Tickets available at 28th Street Pit And Pub or by calling 443-497-2040, 443-944-4763 or 410-289-2020.

Aug. 7: Bingo

5:30, doors open; 6:30, early bird games; 7 p.m., regular games; Ocean City Elks Lodge #2645, 138th St., across from the Fenwick Inn. $1,000 jackpot available, food, snacks and non-alcoholic beverages. No one under 18 allowed in bingo hall during bingo.

Aug. 7: Delmarva Hand Dancing

5:30-9 p.m., Peaky’s (formerly Jor-dan’s Rooftop), at the Fenwick Inn, 138th St., O.C. Jitterbug, swing, cha-cha to the sounds of the 50’s & 60’s. Beginner and intermediate dance lessons 5:30-6:30 p.m. Followed by dancing until 9 p.m. For more information, 302-200-3262.

Aug. 7: OC Boardwalk Labyrinth

7-9 p.m., St. Paul’s by-the-Sea Episcopal Church, inside Dewees Hall, just of the boardwalk on the northside of 3rd St. Parking available beside the hall. Come walk the 12th century replica labyrinth with candlelight and sacred music. For more information, 410-289-3453 or 443-880-7608.

Aug. 8: Peach Festival

9 a.m.-3 p.m., St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, 10301 Coastal Hwy., O.C. Bake table, books, bulk peaches, flea market, food, Fair Trade coffee, games, health fair, vendors, ice cream and other peach specialities. For more information, 410-524-7474 or visit: www.stpetersoc.com.

Aug. 8: Jewelry Show

11 a.m.-4 p.m., Ocean City Marlin Club, 9659 Golf Course Rd., West OC. Hosted by the OC Marlin Club Auxiliary to benefit the Bertha Holloway Scholarship Fund, which gives college scholarships to eligble seniors attending Worcester County Schools. Unique handcrafted jewelry and fashion accessories. Admis-sion is $5 at the door, which in-cludes a glass of wine, beer or so-da. Sandwiches provided by the Auxiliary will be available for purchase. For more information and directions, 410-726-6117 or 302-541-4642.

Aug. 8: Legion Bingo

Doors open 5:30 p.m., games begin 7 p.m.; American Legion Post 166, 24th St. & Philadelphia Ave., O.C. Food and drink available. For more information, 410-289-3166.  

Aug. 9: Flea Market

9 a.m.-1 p.m., St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, 10301 Coastal Hwy., O.C. For more information, 410-524-7474 or visit: www.stpetersoc.com.

Aug. 11: KC Buffet Breakfast

8:30 a.m.-noon, Knights of Colum-bus #9053, 9901 Coastal Hwy., (rear of St. Luke’s Church) O.C. In-cludes coffee & juice. Cost: $8, adults; ages 12 and under, half-price. For more information, 410-524-7994.

Aug. 14: OC Boardwalk Labyrinth

7-9 p.m., St. Paul’s by-the-Sea Episcopal Church, inside Dewees Hall, just of the boardwalk on the northside of 3rd St. Parking available beside the hall. Come walk the 12th century replica labyrinth with candlelight and sacred music. For more information, 410-289-3453 or 443-880-7608.

Aug. 14: Bingo

5:30, doors open; 6:30, early bird games; 7 p.m., regular games; Ocean City Elks Lodge #2645, 138th St., across from the Fenwick Inn. $1,000 jackpot available, food, snacks and non-alcoholic beverages. No one under 18 allowed in bingo hall during bingo.

Aug. 14: Delmarva Hand Dancing

5:30-9 p.m., Peaky’s (formerly Jor-dan’s Rooftop), at the Fenwick Inn, 138th St., O.C. Jitterbug, swing, cha-cha to the sounds of the 50’s & 60’s. Beginner and intermediate dance lessons 5:30-6:30 p.m. Followed by dancing until 9 p.m. For more information, 302-200-3262.

Aug. 15: Legion Bingo

Doors open 5:30 p.m., games begin 7 p.m.; American Legion Post 166, 24th St. & Philadelphia Ave., O.C. Food and drink available. For more information, 410-289-3166.

Aug. 18: Music Majors In Concert

3 p.m., Bethany United Methodist Church, Rte. 611. Two music major students of Evonne Lee’s, Katerina Burton and Chris Engel, will hold a concert consisting of classical, religious and jazz pieces performed vocally and on the organ and piano. Concert is free and will be about an hour. 

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