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Click Here!OCEAN CITY -- The Ocean City Downtown Association and the Town of Ocean City are inviting vintage license plate holders to participate in the 2nd Annual Ocean City Vintage License Plate Rally on the Boardwalk.
The rally, which will take place on Oct. 20, begins with a drive down the boardwalk and a celebration held afterward in the Inlet Parking Lot.
According to members of the Downtown Association, this all-things Ocean City rally is an exciting way to round out the summer.
“We were delighted with the turnout last year,” said Downtown Association President Brooks Trimper. “People throughout the state seem to have a special connection with Ocean City. This parade and rally allows us an opportunity to say thank you to those folks.”
Cars with the vintage plates will gather at 15th Street with “roll off” beginning at noon. After parading down the Boardwalk to the Inlet Parking Lot, a group photograph of the participants will be taken. In addition, each car will be photographed as it drives down the boardwalk and photos of the drive and the group will be available on line.
Tents in the Inlet lot will be offered to various Ocean City organizations and this year those entering will be granted a 15% discount at participating businesses throughout town.
A Halloween theme has also been added to this year’s event. Participants are encouraged to decorate their cars and themselves, if they’d like, and an award will be given to the most creative decorations.
There is no cost to participate in the rally, however, participants much register in advance. Registration forms are available on the DTA web site at In addition to registration, current auto insurance is required. For more information, call 410-524-1881.
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