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Bike Path Best For 50
I am asking everyone to write to the Army Corps of Engineers asking them not to approve the Route 50 Utility Project unless all cables are run underground and a bike path is included.
The address is Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, P.O. Box 1715, Baltimore, Md. 21203.
John Fager
Ocean City
Important Fenwick
Meeting Planned
On Jan. 21, at 2 p.m., a meeting will be held at the Fenwick Island Town Hall.
The general purpose of this meeting is an effort by the town to reach out to the business community for their input on issues that can help their business be successful. In my opinion, the most critical topic of this particular meeting is proposed changes to current town ordinances that will impact both vacant and non-vacant commercial lots. The proposed changes and various options of those changes, deal in a large part with setbacks and parking, two areas that relate to the size, location and configuration of a commercial building.
In the past, a common complaint from the business community has been, “I didn’t know about it.” The current town council, a newly formed business committee, and our Chamber of Commerce, are working to address that concern. All business license holders were recently sent via mail, a notice of this upcoming meeting. If you own commercial property in Fenwick Island, your input is crucial.
Tim Collins
Fenwick Island
(The writer is the owner of Southern Exposure.)
1,400 Meals Served
Over Christmas
Thanks to your generous donations and efforts, the Noel Community guests enjoyed 250 hot breakfast sandwiches and 200 donuts served with coffee and juice at St. Paul’s by-the-Sea on Christmas Day. Santa and live music by Michael Smith made for a very festive celebration. Volunteers also distributed 240 cloth shopping bags with precooked items for three meals, 100 cloth shopping bags with sandwiches for two meals, and delivered 75 meals to the police, fire, and public service workers. With your support, over 1,400 meals and desserts were appreciated by those in need of food or companionship on Christmas.
The Noel Community will continue to expand our outreach, serving free meals and providing non-perishable goods and toiletries to several local food pantries with the leftover funds. In addition to the Christmas Dinner, The Noel Community volunteers provided 5,300 meals/sandwiches to Shepherd’s Crook and Other Food Pantries on a total of 75 days in 2014. The Noel Community is working closely with St. Paul’s by-the-Sea to reopen the doors for sit-down breakfasts in the Parish Hall this year on Jan. 31, Feb. 14, Feb. 28, March 14 and March 21.
Noel’s volunteers actively work with the local food pantries, shelters, and social service groups to identify what is most needed by the individuals and families they serve. Your donations are used by our volunteers to purchase and deliver these items. Tens of thousands (or more) of canned goods, dry goods, fruits, desserts, toiletries, clothing, paper products, cleaning supplies, baby items are donated to the local community thanks to your generosity. The Noel Community is committed to providing an enjoyable and positive outreach environment for those we serve and those who serve.
Please mail us at 302 N Baltimore Avenue, Ocean City, Md., 21842 or call us at 410-289-3453 for more information.
The Noel Community
Optimistic Spin
I read Shawn Soper’s year-end article on Mary Beth Carozza’s appointment to the Appropriations Committee and post-election activities with amusement. Such optimism.
Mary Beth is in a lose/lose situation. Her main function on Appropriations for 70 of the 90-day session will be to sit through hearings funding 146 state agencies via the budget, including school programs and construction, and teachers pay and pensions, state highways, regularity agencies, and social programs, among others. That’s what the State’s Appropriations Committee does.
Then she, like all but one or two House Republicans, will strategize and likely vote against that budget. This has been the strategy for about 8 years. So, lose/lose. Her work will equal zero as will her appointment. To quote a current Republican member, “She will cut off a leg to get off this committee.”
Watch for her vote on the budget near the end of session. No rewards are reaped by your representative if she votes to oppose the budget. If she loses, so do you.
As for the rest of Shawn’s article, nice spin, but let’s hope MB’s future ”activities” on behalf of her constituency will be more substantial then the few social events cited as work so far.
Linda Pohuski
Berlin and Annapolis
(The writer is a former staffer to the Appropriations Committee and currently a staff member on another committee.)
No License For Illegals
Wake up Delaware. Give a license to someone who is not here legal in this country?
When are you involved in an accident as it could happen to us here in Ocean City, you could face someone who wants all that you have in a courtroom.
Again, wake up and do not let this happen. Come here legal and then apply for a license.
J.M. Marx
Ocean City
Heroes Recognized
Better late than never.
On July 4 weekend, 2014, our family was at our home in Ocean City for a family reunion. The morning of the 4th my husband suffered a massive and sudden heart attack.
The Ocean City EMTs arrived in minutes along with two wonderful police officers. They were unable to revive my husband and he passed away. The professionalism, kindness and empathy of these medics and officers was so helpful to me and our children that I wanted to finally acknowledge it.
These days when the police and other local government workers and volunteers are maligned and sometimes even demonized by some, I wish to publicly thank all of them. They came to our family’s aid on that sad day. It was one of the busiest days of the summer for them. And yet they responded like heroes that they are.
Thank you from our entirely family.
Joan Beach
Rockville, Md.
Toys For Tots Success
The First State Detachment Marine Corps League Ocean View, Del. thanks all the individuals, families, merchants and media outlets for the continued support of our Toys For Tots program.
The 2014 Toys for Tots drive was a great success. Thanks to your generosity, hundreds of needy children in our area had a Merry Christmas.
Your continued support for the Toys for Tots program is greatly appreciated.
Frank Mathers
Jack Carey
(Mathers is the commandant for the First State Detachment, Marine Corps League, and Carey serves as Toys for Tots coordinator.)
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