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Click Here!SALISBURY -- Wicomico County’s efforts to go green at its landfill with a proactive program to collect gases generated by the facility and selling them for “carbon credits” resulted this week in over $183,000 for the county from its consultant Geosyntec.
For the past 10 years, in an effort to operate the landfill in a more environmentally sound way, Wicomico County has voluntarily collected the gas generated at its Newland Park landfill. The landfill gas results from food, paper, and other organic matter degrading over time in the landfill. It contains methane, a potent greenhouse gas. This project benefits climate change strategies by reducing the amount of greenhouse gases that are emitted to the atmosphere and providing a source of renewable energy.
“By creating and then selling carbon credits through the responsible management of our solid waste operations, Wicomico County continues to build on our excellent reputation as pro-active and committed stewards of our natural resources,” said County Executive Rick Pollitt.
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